Welcome to TOP, the premier DOS command enhancement utility! Some things new users may want to try are listed below. To scroll this window, either press the left mouse button on the scroll bars to the right, or press or This window is called the VIEW window. It can be used to display any file in ascii text or hex mode. Right now you are VIEWing a file called WELCOME.TXT. To VIEW another file, type 'VIEW filename' at the com- mand line. Pressing starts HELP. To go to a particular topic, type a few letters of the topic on the com- mand line and press , or just click the left mouse button on the topic. HELP can be started at any time, and does not prevent continued typing at the command line. HELP is both context and DOS version sensitive. Almost every feature TOP has is controlled by mod- ifying its initialization file called TOP.INI. See HELP for !SETUP for more details and answers to common questions about TOP.INI. Recommended HELP topics to read if you're a new user: HELP HELP ----- How to use HELP HELP !SETUP --- Help for customizing/setting up TOP HELP _KEYS ---- Definition of TOP special keys HELP wMOUSE --- How to use the mouse with TOP HELP !-ASP-! -- ASP ombudsman notice HELP !-NEW-! -- New features in this release HELP !README -- Up to date release information HELP !REGFORM - To register your shareware version HELP !SUPPORT - For technical support Mouse users: Press and hold the left and right button to get the window control popup menu. Also see HELP for wPOPUP. All TOP window HELP topics start with a small w, and mouse users are encouraged to read all these topics. The mouse can be used to cut and paste text from any- where on the screen to the command line or into, be- tween, or from any TOP windows. For example, a file- name can be selected and dragged into this window, causing the file's contents to be displayed. See HELP for wMOUSE and related topics. This VIEW window is specified to come up every time TOP starts by having the command 'VIEW WELCOME.TXT' in the [InitialCommands] section of TOP.INI. To keep this window from coming up every time you start TOP, you can remove or comment out that command by edit- ing the TOP.INI file.